University of Cambridge applicants to face new entrance test
Famous for its rigorous application and admissions process, the University of Cambridge have announced that prospective new students will have to sit written tests beginning from autumn 2017.
Students who wish to study at the world’s number one university will now have to pass a written test related to the subject they wish to study, after having made it through the tough entry requirements. Students will also be required to pass famously tricky interviews as well. Having originally phased out the interviews in the 1980s, students applying for study in 2017 will now be expected to take them once again. Dr Sam Lucy, the director of admissions, informed all major schools and colleges of the UK of the change in a letter issued.
"The colleges of the University of Cambridge are introducing a system of common format written assessments for applicants, specifically tailored to each subject. This will provide Admissions Tutors with valuable additional evidence of our applicants' academic abilities, knowledge base and potential to succeed in the Cambridge course for which they have applied," she said in a statement.
If you wish to apply to study in the UK at the University of Cambridge, arrange a free consultation today. The Oxbridge Service will service will ensure you are fully prepared with your application to the best universities in the world.