Senior Keele University lecturer to attend SI-UK Business Studies Open Day
Dr. David Atkinson of Keele University is to attend SI-UK London's forthcoming Business Studies Open Day on March 12th.
Dr. Atkinson has been a Senior Lecturer in strategic marketing at Keele since 2009 and helps deliver a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Dr. Atkinson comes from an industry background and his experience ranges from product development, market penetration, through to customer acquisition, retention strategies and managing relationships with suppliers. He also holds a PhD from Manchester Metropolitan University, a Diploma in Direct and Interactive Marketing from the Institute of Direct Marketing and an MSc by research in Strategic Management.
From accounting, finance and economics, to management, marketing and human resources, Keele University courses are designed to inspire, develop and challenge and the University expect you to excel and challenge in return.
Meet them by registering for free entry to our Business Open Day on March 12th in central London today.