University Of Stirling at Delhi
The University of Stirling continues to have several unique factors outside its location. It is a pioneer of a two-semester structure and modular degrees, allowing great flexibility in start times and changes in study. Degrees are also made up of credits earned from modules, which means that students can effectively change their subject as/or if their interests change.
The essence of the University of Stirling is its great people: our graduates, staff and students are helping to shape the world. Founded by Royal Charter in 1967, the University of Stirling was the first genuinely new university in Scotland for over 400 years. We retain our pioneering spirit and a passion for innovation and excellence in all we do.We aim to be at the forefront of research and learning that helps to improve lives. Working with academic, commercial, public, private and voluntary sector partners, Stirling is one of the UK’s leading research universities in the fields of health and wellbeing, the environment and people, culture and society, enterprise and the economy, and sport.
The beautiful campus is set in an 18th century castle estate on the shores of a loch, surrounded by hills.
Students who are interested in studying with this university should contact the SI-UK Delhi office to reserve a 20 minute private interview with the University Representative. Please bring any supporting documents with you.Our contact details are: 011 4202-8200; Email: We are looking forward to seeing you.
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